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By Bishop Mike Okonkwo

Saturday 12th November 2022

“So we are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together for good, for we are his lovers who have been called to fulfill his designed purpose”. Romans 8:28 (TPT)

When you begin to understand the mystery that is in God’s word which is revealed to us by the Spirit of God, certain things will not overwhelm you. There are things that will not bother you once you are able to walk in understanding. I want you to know that you are not in any way a mistake. You are in the plan of God; the master craftsman. He is the one who has worked out everything for your good already, even before you came on the scene. But many times the devil wants us to focus on the wrong things, like all the events that have happened in the past years.

This got some people so worried and they will start praying feverishly, saying Lord, let it pass away. It will definitely pass away and it is passing away! But, even at the heat of the problem, God was not moved. He did not move out of His seat. The God that you and I serve has never been moved at all. The last time I checked He was still sitting down (Psalm 2:4). He is not doing catch-up with the devil. It is the devil doing catch-up with God because God is always ahead. God is never scratching His head thinking of what to do. God has already won victory for us. The sacrifice of the cross is completely complete and perfectly perfect. The price has already been paid for your total salvation and victory. The salvation we have is eternal salvation (Hebrews 5:9).

What is God saying to us today? Be still and know that “I am God”. Rest completely on the finished work. Rest and know that He is God! He is the one in charge of everything that has happened in these past years. They are all in His agenda; all in His plan. You are not an accident. Finally, I want to encourage you that, whatever had transpired in your life, God is still God, He has not abandoned you. His plan and purpose concerning you will surely be fulfilled in the name of Jesus.

Further Reading: Psalm 46:1-11; Jeremiah 29:11-14
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Jeremiah 51-52; Evening- Hebrews 9

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