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By Bishop Mike Okonkwo

Monday 22nd August 2022

“For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.” Romans 8:19 (KJV)

Beloved, the challenges the enemy brings your way on daily basis are actually part of God’s plan to bring out the best in you. In fact, it is an indicator of the magnitude of blessing coming your way! Just imagine how Jesus would have reacted when confronted with a challenge while He was here in the flesh. It is obvious that He would have effortlessly dealt with issues that came His way.

From our text, God is telling you that this is the time to manifest and show the world the way rather than join the world in crying over problems. You have the answer and the solution the world is looking for. Creation is waiting for you to make a difference. You can choose to make a difference or stay stagnant, but that will not be your portion. You have all that it takes to make the difference wherever God has located you. You cannot fail because everything you need to succeed has been given to you. So, go out there and conquer your world for the Kingdom. Go out there and make a formidable impact. Don’t try to follow the tide. Dare to be different!

Arise from your comfort zone. In this day and hour of competition, you cannot afford to just sit back and be content playing children’s games while others are digging for diamonds and platinum. You can no longer afford to play at the level of the mundane. This is the time to hear His voice so that you can leave the shallow waters and begin to wade into the deep.

When you hear His voice, you can do the impossible. When Jesus commanded Peter to cast his net, the scriptures declare that he caught a great multitude of fish from the same place where he had hitherto caught nothing; Jesus’ words made the difference. God has declared His word over your life. So get ready for a great testimony. In the same place where others have failed, you will triumph because you are different.

Further Reading: Matthew 5:14-16; Luke 5:1-9; 1 Peter 2:9
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Psalms 110-112; Evening- 1 Corinthians 5

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