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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

02 April, 2021

“When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.” John 19:30 (KJV)

Today, the world celebrates Good Friday, which is in remembrance of the day Jesus went to the cross and paid the supreme price for humanity. The road to the cross was so gruesome that no movie can capture the pain and the suffering. Jesus knew what was coming but He chose to go through it, knowing that the price for sin had to be paid if man will be free from the bondage of sin.

In the Old Testament, the priests sacrificed animals without blemish and all the blood of animals could do was to cover the sins for a season, but when Jesus came, He offered Himself to be crucified thus paying for the sin of man once and for all. When He said, “it is finished,” He meant it. According to The Message translation: “Jesus said, “It’s done…complete.” Bowing his head, he offered up his spirit.” It is completely complete and perfectly perfect. Nothing can undo the finished work at Calvary and what that implies is that the sin of man, past, present and future has been forgiven. That is why God expects you to come to the throne of grace with boldness to obtain mercy and find grace in the time of need.

There is no sin that is greater than the finished work of Jesus Christ. Do not let the devil hold you in bondage. No matter what the sin was, Jesus has paid the complete price for it. That is what the good news is all about.

When Jesus said “It is finished,” every work of the enemy over your life came to an end. All you need to do is to simply accept all that Jesus did on your behalf and thank God for it. That is the message of Grace. Today, as we celebrate Good Friday, may you come into the full knowledge of the finished work on the cross.

Further Reading: John 19:19-30
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Judges 16-18; Evening- Luke 7:1-30

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