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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

26th November 2017

“Who verily was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you,” (1 Peter 1:20 KJV)

God is not going to do it. He has already done it. As far as the word of God is concerned, the devil is too late. God has spoken about you already and there is nothing the devil can do about it because God’s word will never return unto Him void. It will always accomplish His purpose. All that is happening around you is only a ‘smoke-screen’. It cannot change what God has said concerning you, not even sin. Nothing can stop you. Why? You have been discharged, acquitted, no appeal, case closed!

John the Baptist said to the people, “…Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” (John 1:29 KJV) Sin is what the enemy used to stop God’s people from the blessing. The devil came to bind us with sin, but Jesus came to take it away. Jesus was manifested to take away our sins. So if you are a believer, you are not a sinner. Why do you think devil said to Jesus command this stones to become bread? Why stones? The law was written on the tablet of stones. He wanted Jesus to feed Himself on the law but Jesus said. I won’t feed myself on the law rather I will feed on what My Father told Me. My father has called Me beloved, so I won’t feed Myself on the law.

Don’t let the law nourish you because it cannot nourish you. Rather, let the love of the Father nourish you. The love of the Father is revealed in Grace and manifested by Jesus Christ. Let every wrong believing in you disappear. Receive the word of God’s love. Believe that your sin is already fully paid for. Believe it is already done. God has perfected all that concerns you. So walk now in the liberty wherewith God has made you free. Rejoice! And again I say rejoice for evermore.

Further Reading: 1John 3:2-7
Daily Bible Reading: Morning – Ezekiel 27-29, Evening – 1 Peter 3




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