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By Bishop Mike Okonkwo

Monday 21st February 2022

“For out of His fullness (abundance) we have all received [all had a share and we were all supplied with] one grace after another and spiritual blessing upon spiritual blessing and even favor upon favor and gift [heaped] upon gift.” John 1:16 (AMPC)

Favour means unfairly preferential treatment. And God does not take permission from anyone to favor you. The good news is that God has decided to favor you. People may call it unfair, but that does not change God’s decision to favor you. Favour works to your advantage. In other words, when favour is operating in your life, things work to your advantage. When favor is at work, God allows things to work to your advantage.

Favour is a divine advantage. It means to show partiality towards you. God has decided to show partiality towards you. That is your heritage in Christ. Heritage is a birthright. It is something you are born into just like a prince is born into royalty. As believers, we are born into favor. In Christ, favor is your inherited portion. You see that! Favour is your portion! It is something reserved for you. Favour is something you are endowed with in Christ. It is a divine endowment. Favour is your right legacy in Christ.

Beloved, God has given you favor as a right and He wants you to walk in it. God wants you to leverage on favor. As a believer, you have already received favour. That is what our scripture passage today says, so it is a wrong thing for you as a child of God not to walk in the favor that God has ordained for you. You ought to walk in favor in every area of your life.

You should expect favour daily, you should expect God to divinely orchestrate things on your behalf. Expect God to make things work on your behalf. Even when things are not supposed to work, He rearranges them in your favor to ensure that they work.

Further Reading. Galatians 3:9-29
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Numbers 1-2; Evening- Mark 3:1-19

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