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By Bishop Mike Okonkwo

Friday March 10, 2023

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16 (KJV)

As believers, we are called to impact our world. As TREMites, our Mission Statement is very clear we are called to make a formidable impact in our world for the Kingdom. Remember, we are the light of the world and the salt of the earth. Wherever we are, the light in us must shine, not by our words, but by our actions.

Everyone can profess to be a Christian, but that is not what we are called to do. Like the light, have you ever heard the light announce that it is the light? No, it is not necessary. The light simply shines, and everyone acknowledges its presence. As a TREMite, wherever you find yourself, shine. Be different. Be the solution that the world is waiting for. As a branch, go out and show the love of Christ to the world around you. Be intentional about touching the lives around you. If you only shine as a light in the church, then you are not being impactful.

All truths are parallel. Will you bring a torch into a room flooded with light and power it on? Of course not. Why? Because the light of the torch is not needed since there is a brighter light there. But if you enter a dark room and you switch on the torchlight, it will provide relief to everyone who hitherto was groping in darkness. It is the same way. Look around you, is there a need in the community you can solve? Find it and solve it. If you are a lawyer, you can come together with other lawyers and offer free legal counsel to those who need it but cannot afford it. If you are in the medical field, you can bring other like minds in your profession together and organize a medical mission. Don’t deceive yourself to think that you have nothing to offer; you have something that the world around you needs. Be intentional in meeting that need thereby showing the love of Christ to a dying world.

Further Reading: Matthew 5:1-16
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Deuteronomy 7-9; Evening- Mark 11:19-33

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