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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

26 January, 2021

“And they said unto Jephthah, Come, and be our captain, that we may fight with the children of Ammon.” Judges 11: 6 KJV

Child of God, if there is anytime our eyes need to be opened, it is now. Opportunities to solve problems and provide solutions abound daily but only the discerning can see it. If you look at the scriptures, you will notice that it is filled with people who were able to see and discern what others could not. Consequently, what gave them the impetus and spiritual energy to go on was their ability to see what was available to them even in the midst of bad situations.

Jephthah was a man who had everything working against him because of the circumstances surrounding his birth. He was driven out of town but rather than call a pity party, he decided to look inwards. He went on to develop his God-given talents and abilities to the extent that the news of his skills filtered back home. Can you imagine that when the news got back to his people, they had no choice but to call on him to lead them to battle? They looked for him and he led them on his terms. Can you imagine getting a job where you fix your salary and entitlement? That was what happened to Jephthah, and I pray that they would look for you as well. I know that God is daily placing ideas in your heart but they may not look like it for now. Don’t discard them simply because they look unrealistic right now but understand they could turn out to be the key to your breakthrough.

The scripture in Jeremiah 33:3 says “call upon me and I will answer thee and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not” (KJV). There are great and mighty things waiting for you. So, I challenge you to go to God in prayer because in His presence, mysteries are dissolved. Write down whatever He ministers to you. They may not make sense, but just take note of them anyhow. His Word has no margin for failure.

Further Reading: Judges 11:1-11
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Exodus 9-11/ Evening: Matthew 15:21-39

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