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By Bishop Mike Okonkwo

Tuesday 27th December 2022

“Help us to remember that our days are numbered, and help us to interpret our lives correctly. Set your wisdom deeply in our hearts so that we may accept your correction.” Psalm 90:12(KJV)

Many times, we use this scripture when we are celebrating people on their birthdays, but it is a scripture that is so instructive to every believer and relevant for all seasons. As the year runs to a close, in a few days, we will be celebrating another year, can you stop today to meditate over the passing year? How has it been? How consistent have you been in the things of God? How much of your time, talent, and resources have you committed to the service of God?

What about other areas of your life? Are you living a compartmentalized life where you serve God on Sunday and every other day people cannot even see the reflection of God in you? Or is your life a reflection of God every day of the year? Child of God, you are called to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth. God expects you to shine every minute of the day wherever you find yourself. He wants you to be an example of a believer. He expects you to show the world who Jesus is not by your words but by your actions.

As you look back at the year, take note of those areas where you have not really been the light or where you have not shone consistently. Ask yourself, what will you do differently? Write it down and take time to pray over it. Decide that from today, not just in the coming year, but from now on, your life will be an example of that of a believer. It is only when your life can show the difference between you and others that you can make a formidable impact in your world for the kingdom. The time to stop playing church is now. It is time to live for God in words, thoughts, and actions. Let your light so shine before all men. Be the light and show others the way.

Further Reading: Matthew 5:13-16
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Zechariah 1-4; Evening- Revelation 18

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