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How Bad Do You Want It
By Bishop Mike Okonkwo

Thursday 22nd December 2022

“When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment.” Mark 5:27 (KJV)

One of the definitions of “determine” is to put an end to, to terminate, to decide upon, to come to an end. The woman in our text was determined. There were many odds against her. She had been several years on this issue and had spent all her living to get healed and all to no avail. That was enough to make her give up but made up her mind that somehow, her situation must turn around. While meditating on what next to do she heard about Jesus who was working miracles. She believed that her answer had come.

However, there were still other obstacles confronting her. Jesus had a large crowd surrounding Him. How was she ever going to press through the crowd to get to Him? Also, in her condition (she had an issue of blood) according to the Jewish law, she was not supposed to mix with people. What that meant was that if anyone found out, she would be stoned to death. Yet, against all odds, she pressed in, probably crawling to touch Him. She was also not fearful for her life. This was her defining moment and so was willing to do anything to get her answer. Her attitude was that I have come this far and can’t go back now.

I don’t know where you are in life at this particular time; yes, the year is coming to an end, but that does not mean it is too late. From every standpoint, the woman was disadvantaged, but she was determined to get her miracle; she pressed in against all odds and her miracle came to pass.

Child of God, things don’t just fall on you like a bag of cherries. Press in and take it by force. Refuse to take no. Refuse to be refused. Hold on to the word of God and you will surely testify. This year will end in praise for you and the coming year will birth uncommon testimonies in your life in Jesus’ name. I will hear your testimony.

Further Reading: Matthew 11:12, Mark 5:25-34.
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Micah 6-7; Evening- Revelation 13

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