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By Bishop Mike Okonkwo

Sunday 15th January 2023

“Honour the LORD with thy substance, And with the firstfruits of all thine increase:” Proverbs 3:9 (KJV)

It is interesting how believers find it convenient to argue about tithing and claim it is Old Testament, just because they do not want to part with money. If you understand the concept of honour, giving to God will be a delight for you.

You will be shocked how many people have stopped giving to God; not only that, but many have also dropped their level of commitment to God and the things of God because of the gibberish the world is spreading through social media. Child of God, if indeed you have a relationship with God and you understand what it means to honour Him, nothing you read on social media will cause you to stop giving your time, talent, and resources to God.

You need to understand that the church you attend, and your Pastor are simply representatives of the Body of Christ and Christ Himself; therefore, giving to your local church and being a blessing to your pastor is not about them but about Whom they represent. When this truth sinks into your spirit, you will not be moved by the junk you read on social media, your focus will be on Him who has called you knowing that He is the Rewarder, and He will surely reward you.

When God says honour me with your substance and with the first fruit of your increase, what He is saying is that I am number one. I am the boss. I am sovereign. He says so shall your barn be filled with plenty, and your wine press will burst out with new wine. Do not let anyone deceive you, I can tell you experientially that tithing pays. I have been consistently tithing for over 50 years and rather than regret, I am moved from just 10% and I am trusting God for the day I will give 90% of my income as tithe because of the abundance I enjoy in Him.

Further Reading: Proverbs 3:9-10
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Gen 36,37, 38 /Evening- Matthew 10:21-42

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