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By Bishop Mike Okonkwo

Friday 28th April 2023

“But God’s amazing grace has made me who I am! And his grace to me was not fruitless. In fact, I worked harder than all the rest, yet not in my own strength but God’s, for his empowering grace, is poured out upon me.” 1 Corinthians 15:10 (TPT)

No matter your achievements in life, never forget that you are who you are, simply by grace. Therefore, you must stop all your agenda and be ready to follow God wherever He leads you.

Apostle Paul said, “I am what I am, by the grace of God”. That is the summary of his life. If you read the story of Paul, you will realize that he was one person that had every right to be proud. He had a story to flaunt. In Philippians 3:4-7, he took time to reel out his very impressive qualifications. But he was quick to conclude that he “count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Jesus Christ”.

I do not know where you are today. I do not know your achievements. But whatever they are, I challenge you never to forget He who made it possible. Indeed, it is not of him that wills or him that runs, it is simply of God that shows mercy. Don’t let the devil deceive you to think you have arrived. Don’t let the devil pitch you against God. No one can stand against God successfully.

Paul said: ‘I am a murderer; I killed and committed all kinds of evil, but the grace of God found me. He said I am what I am by the grace of God.’ No matter who you are today, it was all by grace. You are not the most qualified, but He qualified you.

Therefore, never approach God with an attitude that says: I am qualified. He made you all that you are. There is nothing you got that you are qualified for. You did not find Him. He found you! He paid the price for your redemption and restored you to a relationship with Him. Your salvation was never your idea. Grace made you all that you are.

Further Reading: Philippians 3:1-16; Ephesians 2:1-9
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- 1 Kings 3-5; Evening- Luke 20:1-26

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