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By Bishop Mike Okonkwo

Wednesday 25th September 2024

“So shall my word be, that goeth forth out of my mouth, it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.”
Isaiah 55:11 (KJV)

When profound prophetic words are spoken over your life from the very heart of God, you should not allow any of them to fall to the ground. God that spoke the words is behind them to bring them to pass. He said the word that goes out of His mouth shall not return void but will accomplish that in which He pleases and prosper where He sent it.

God told Jeremiah, “…Thou hast well seen: for I will hasten my word to perform it.” (Jeremiah 1:12 KJV). In other words, Jeremiah, because you said Amen, I will stand behind that word I have spoken and will hasten it to ensure it comes to pass. I will back it up with everything that makes me God. It will never fall to the ground.

Every prophetic word spoken over you and your household shall be established. Whatever has been violating the glory of God in your life is paralysed. In Christ, you have been authorised to succeed. You have been authorised to prosper. And you have been authorised to have your baby. The hindering forces that are standing against you shall be dismantled. You will see the glory of God. You will end with a shout of victory and breakthrough. No power of darkness from the pit of hell will be able to stop you. No demonic activity will stop you. Every wall that stands before you fall because the word of God cannot fail.

Abraham believed God when it didn’t look like it, and it was counted for him for righteousness. It didn’t look like it, but he said Amen because God has said it! Your expectations will never be cut off. Your celebration will not be aborted. Heaven’s abundance and goodness have been released into your life through Christ. Every form of barrenness comes is terminated.

Further Reading: Jeremiah 1:1-12; Romans 4:1-5
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Song of Solomon 6-8; Evening- Galatians 4

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