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By Bishop Mike Okonkwo

Sunday 31st July2022

“For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 (KJV)

The love of God for man was demonstrated right from creation. God showed His irrevocable, irreversible and unfailing love for mankind during creation. He made sure that He put everything in place that will make us very comfortable.

He provided everything that will make life bearable and exciting for a man. man was God’s crowning creation. And when He ended creation, He said this is very good. And the scripture tells us that man was made in God’s image and likeness. And not only that, when He opened his mouth to speak concerning man after man was made, He blessed him. In other words, He empowered man to succeed and to overcome.

Man was created with empowerment to succeed in every affair of life. Not only that but he was empowered also to ensure that he took charge. There was a dominion mandate given to man. It was the only man that was made in His image and likeness, not the animals and not any other creature. Any wonder that He so loved man and His fellowship with man. Each time God came around man, there was this robust relationship and fellowship that He had with man.

Satan got provoked and therefore pulled a stunt. He pulled a very terrible stunt by lying to Eve that what God said concerning him was not true. Do you know that even up till now the devil is still pulling that stunt? Every time you doubt what God has said concerning you, irrespective of how the circumstances look, you are literarily voting for the devil. So when the devil pulled that stunt, he believed that he has completely wiped out God’s agenda for man and that man could no longer have a relationship with God. But one thing he forgot is that all power belongs to God. Our God is the Alpha and the Omega.

Don’t ever let the devil have the last say in your life. God’s love and power will overrule every negative circumstance in your life.

Further Reading: Genesis 3:1-15; John 3:14-17
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Psalms 54-56; Evening- Romans 3

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