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By Bishop Mike Okonkwo

Saturday 31st August 2024

“And being fully persuaded that, what he had promised, he was able also to perform” Romans 4:21 (KJV)

Beloved, what I want you to put at the back of your mind is that God will always come through with His promises. If He said it, He would do it. You will discover those He came through for if you check the scriptures for His track record. He came through for Sarah and Abraham. He made a promise to them, and twenty-five years down the line, it seemed it would not happen, but it eventually happened. They had occasion to doubt and to turn their back on God, but they stood their ground. According to the scripture, Abraham believed against hope.

In Luke Chapter 1, the bible tells us that Zachariah and Elizabeth were serving God faithfully, yet they had no child. They had grown old, and having a child was impossible. They didn’t turn their back on God or get angry at Him. When they were in active service in the temple, the Lord came through for them. Let me ask you: When you are angry at God, what can you do to Him? Whether you serve Him or not, He remains God.

Job was trying to tell God all his qualifications and was saying that based on that, he doesn’t see why he should suffer the things he was suffering. He told God I feared you and eschewed evil, but look at what has befallen me. How can you say that you love me and these things are happening? When he was through with all his questions, God responded in Job 39. In His response, God proved to Job that he would score something worse than fail if he chose to come to God by merit. God asked him several questions, and by the time He was through, Job said I was stupid, and I had acted in my ignorance.

Child of God, stay focused on God. I assure you that He will come through for you.

Further reading: Isaiah 43:1-7; Romans 4:17-22
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Psalms 132-134; Evening- 1 Corinthians 11:17-34

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