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Bishop Mike Okonkwo

07 January, 2021

“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 KJV

I know that you know this scripture off heart and with your eyes closed, you can open to it in your Bible. That is very good but do you believe it? Do you know for sure that God loves you? Don’t be quick to answer; just think for a moment about the love of God.

If you understand what God has done for you, you will know without any shadow of doubt that He loves you and your life will be full of gratitude on a daily basis. In fact, you wouldn’t have time to ask for anything because it’s already done. You will not also compromise your faith. Compromised position is an evidence that you do not know what God has done for you. People engage in the lust of the flesh and pride of life because they don’t understand the love that God has for them.

If you truly know what He has done for you, you won’t look for a garbage can when a banquet table has been set before you. God has set a banquet table for you while you were yet a sinner. He did not ask you to clean yourself up before dying for you. If Jesus was freely given to you, how can this same God not freely give you all things?

You need to feed on God’s love. Feed on His eternal, irreversible, unconditional, iron-clad, blood-bought love. This is really powerful when you understand it. There is nothing you cannot get because you know you have the whole of heaven backing you up. Don’t let them shut you down where you are operating, either in your business or anywhere around you. Refuse to be intimidated! Just stay on the principles of the scriptures and the promise of God will always come through for you. No matter how delayed it is, at the end, the vision will come to pass. It will definitely speak.

Further Reading: John 3:10 – 17
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Gen.18-19 / Evening- Matt. 6: 1-18

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