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By Bishop Mike Okonkwo

Tuesday 2nd August 2022

“And the angel answered and said unto her, the Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee; therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God”. Luke 1:35 (KJV)

Unknown to the devil, when man fell, God began to work behind the scene. No one was qualified for the redemption of man. God had to judiciously bring the redemption of man so that He will not be accused by the enemy. He must be faithful and at the same time, He must be just. That is what sets Him apart as God.

So, God began His strategic plan of redemption. The master’s stroke is a tactical move that changes everything for good for him that makes the move. It is what the game players call a home run or a joker. There is always a joker which God pulls out when every hope seems to be lost. In case you have lost hope; I declare that your victory is sure in Christ. We will hear your testimony. There is nothing like hopelessness for a child of God. You become hopeless when you give up on yourself. Don’t give up on God because God will never give up on you.

As God began to work, He set in motion the Levitical laws: different feasts, festivals, and sacrifices by which man could always come to Him. He set them in motion all for the good of man. He made sure that He set in motion a situation where man will not be permanently separated from Him. Then in the book Luke chapter 1, we read the account of how God came knocking at the door of a little virgin called Mary. He said: would you lend me your body because I cannot come into the earth without a body. Every other person that I want to use is involved in one thing or the other. Can you trust me enough to give me your body so that I can come back to the earth to redeem mankind? Mary then said I don’t know how it will happen. And God said it is going to be by the operation of the Holy Ghost. So the Holy Spirit moved in and Mary became pregnant.

Beloved, with God, nothing shall be impossible. I dare you to believe Him for the impossible.

Further Reading: Luke 1:28-38
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Psalms 60-62; Evening- Romans 5

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