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By Bishop Mike Okonkwo

Sunday 5th January 2025

“And the angel of God, which went before the camp of Israel, removed and went behind them; and the pillar of the cloud went from before their face, and stood behind them:” Exodus 14:19 (KJV)

The children of Israel had just left Egypt when suddenly Pharaoh decided to pursue them and bring them back to bondage and slavery. You can see that the devil will never play dead. He will always want to fight the promise of God over your life, but it is too late. The God who called you to be alive till now has already gone ahead of you.

Pharaoh came against God’s people with all his arsenals of war and thought he had them in a corner because the Red Sea was in front of them. But you see, when the enemy thinks he has pinned you down, God is just about to release His joker.

In the book of Exodus 14 verse 15, God cleared His throat and commanded Moses to tell the people to go forward. I perceive that Moses would have said, but God, the Red Sea is in front of us, where are we going forward to? Yet all he heard was tell the people to go forward. God was saying in effect, you may not see a way through the sea, but I am going to make a way for you, even where none exists. God’s people walked through the sea, without struggle, and continued their journey as if nothing happened. Nothing will be able to stop God’s plan and purpose for your life.

However, the question is what if Moses didn’t hear from God? You can only receive grace to run this race when you are always in His presence. So, I encourage you to make being in His presence a priority; take your personal devotion, church services, and programs very seriously, because that is how you are able to stay connected.

God’s abundant grace will see you through in every area of your life. Favour will attend your ways and you will not be denied. You will win in the competitions of life. The oppression of stagnation over your life, over your business, your career, health, ministry, family is terminated in the name of Jesus.

Further Reading: Exodus 14:1-31, Isaiah 43:15-19
Daily Bible Reading: Morning: Genesis 12-14; Evening: Matthew 5:1-26

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