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By Bishop Mike Okonkwo

Tuesday 11th March 2025

“For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.” (Hebrews 8:12 KJV)

If you do not understand that Jesus Christ has dealt with sin completely on your behalf, and that sin is no longer an issue with you after you have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, the devil will keep condemning you. If you do not understand your place in Christ and then live based on that understanding, the devil will keep accusing you and make it difficult for you to enjoy what God has already made available.

Over the years, we have been products of limited revelations of how God deals with the Church. The Church is neither Gentile nor Jew. The Church is a New Creation. You must understand that God is not dealing with you the way He dealt with the Jews and the Gentiles. You are the body of Christ. You and Christ have become one. If you do not make this distinction very clearly, what will happen is that you will not live your life like that of a New Creation.

I believe that the soul that sins according to the scriptures shall die, so I am against sin. I also believe in the 10 commandments and all the adjoining laws. However, they were never given for man to keep. From the beginning when man was created, God’s intention was to deal with man in the arena of Grace. The Law was given to make man come to the end of himself.

In the Old Testament, you get what you sow but under the arena of Grace, the way God deals with us is that He removes man out of the equation. It is the goodness of God that leads to repentance, not His judgment or His anger against you. God is no longer angry with you. God is good to you because He is good. God’s goodness is not dependent on what you do or don’t do. God is good and He does only good, goodness is who He is.

Further Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:17, Hebrews 8:1-13
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Deuteronomy 10-12; Evening- Mark 12:1-27

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