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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

27 April, 2021

“His righteousness is like the great mountains…” Psalms 36:6 KJV

I know that you may still have certain unanswered questions in your heart about why this and that thing have not happened yet but I want to remind you that the God you serve is still faithful, just and righteous. The righteousness of God is like the great mountain; He cannot renege on what He has said concerning you. “God is not a man, that He should lie; neither the son of man, that He should repent: hath He said, and shall He not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?” (Numbers 23:19 KJV)

God told Abraham in Genesis 17:15-19 that He will make him the father of many nations. Abraham laughed because he was old; he probably considered his and Sarah’s inability to reproduce because of the deadness of their bodies. But thank God the story did not end there. Rather than listen to His plea concerning Ishmael, God gave him the name “Isaac” for the son that will be born by Sarah. What an assurance! In Genesis 21:1-3, the promise of God came to pass. Sarah gave birth to Isaac.

What is that saying to you? God is faithful! What He has done for one is an evidence of what He will do for another. You will not be denied. You can stake your life on what God has said because He is dependable. Men may have mocked you but I encourage you to hang in there because God will give you cause to laugh. Those that laughed at you are coming to laugh with you. It may be tough out there in the world but for you it will be different. The grace of God in your life will make all the difference. Your pathway shall get brighter and brighter in every area of your life. Grace will speak for you and catapult you to heights far beyond your wildest imagination.

You have heard the testimonies of others; let me also assure you that we will hear yours also. Expect the best!

Further Reading: Genesis 17:15-19; 1 Thessalonians 5:24; Hebrew 6:17-20; 10:23
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- 1 Kings 1-2; Evening- Luke 19:28-48

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