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By Bishop Mike Okonkwo

Friday 4th March 2022

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 (KJV)

There have been many theories and teachings, particularly on social media, against giving in the Church.

When we talk about giving, it is interesting to know that the first person that took the initiative is God. Look at the scripture for today and you will discover that giving is a product of love and not law. God gave because He loved not because we asked.

Giving is not a payment for something; no. Giving is an act of love. You give because you love. If you understand the love of God, nothing you have will be too big to give Him. When I hear people’s argument against the giving of tithe and offering and other seeds in the church, I marvel at the shallow argument all based on the law and works but we leave the foundation that God took the initiative of giving because He loves us and does not want any of us to perish.

If God can give His only Son, what is too big for you to give Him? Think of it: can you pay for your salvation? Salvation is the most expensive gift anyone can give, yet God gave it to us freely. He did not wait for us to ask or even to deserve it. He saw the man in his fallen state, and He came down in the likeness of man, took on the sin, and was nailed on the cross to take the curse for it is written, cursed is anyone that hangs on the tree. He did all this just because He loves us. What is too big to give to Him?

Beloved, when you understand the love of God, ten percent will be too small to give him as tithe, you will give more. When you understand His love, you will be quick to be a part of every single project. Beloved, don’t fall for the lie of the devil that is out to rob you of God’s blessings. Give and as He said, it will be given back to you because God never owes.

Further Reading: Luke 6:38; John 3:11-17
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Numbers 26-28; Evening- Mark 8

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