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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

16 October, 2021

“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
Proverbs 22:6 KJV

If God has placed children in your care, He says train them up in the way they should go. It means to give the child a taste of what you want him or her to become. For instance, if you want a child to love a certain food, you have to continue to feed the child that food. With time, the child grows to love it and starts eating it.

You are to give the child a taste of spiritual things. From the very first day when children are born, there is a way spiritual things get to them. Speak the scriptures to a child that you’re carrying in your hands. They have a way of sensing what you are saying because it is spirit communicating to spirit. It is never too early to begin to give a taste of spiritual things to a child. They are able to understand and know right things; such that when they grow up, they are able to make the right choices in life.

It is important that parents must direct their children the way they should go. Many times, children do not know how to make the right decisions; leaving them alone to themselves will not help them. Do not love your children to death. As long as they are children, they depend on you to say no for them until they learn to say no for themselves.

You must also choose for them the type of language they should speak. There are things that should not proceed from the mouth of a child. Put a stop to it the moment you notice perverse words coming out of their mouth. Let them know that they are royalty and must speak wholesomely. Don’t talk down on them and don’t let them talk down on themselves. Train them to have a good self-esteem. Train them to know that they are blessed not cursed. Our children will prosper!

Further Reading: 2 Timothy 3: 14-17
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Isaiah 47-49; Evening- 1 Thessalonians 4

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