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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

04 November, 2021

“… Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? God forbid. How shall we that are dead to sin lie any longer therein?” Romans 6:1-2 (KJV)

Beloved, grace is not a license to sin; rather, the grace of God shields you from sin. It doesn’t say: “well I’m free, I’ll do what I want; it doesn’t matter.” No! Grace causes you to obey the law and live for God. So, get rid of sin in your life. It is very crucial, if you must end defeat in your life.

In Joshua chapter 7, the Bible gives an account of the children of Israel. They had conquered Jericho and they were about approaching Ai which was just a little village. So, they approached Ai with confidence of victory, but that little country defeated them. That was an anomaly. Covenant people should not die like chickens. How could this happen to Israel? Then God said to Joshua: “Israel hath sinned” (Joshua 7:11 KJV). Can you imagine that? God did not say “a man in Israel hath sinned.” No! He said that Israel, the entire nation had sinned. But if you read the story, you will discover that it was only one person- Achan that sinned. But because of one man, the whole nation was affected. Can you see how your action can stall the hand of God in your church, city and nation?

Child of God, you cannot do battle with the devil with his weapon. It is not possible. What sin are you covering and yet trying to defeat the devil? Jesus said: “The prince of this world cometh and hath nothing in me” (John 14:30 KJV) In other words, he is coming against me but he has examined me and knows that I don’t have any of his property. How do you think you will overcome when you have his property?

Indulging in sin frustrates the Grace of God upon your life. That was what happened to Israel in Ai. I challenge you today to deal with every sin in your life because grace is not a license to sin.

Further Reading: Joshua 7:21-24, Romans 6:1-15
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Jeremiah 32-33; Evening- Hebrews 1

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