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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

26 October, 2021

“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.” Romans 8:14 KJV

You cannot function in the spirit when you have not become like Him. Functioning in the gifts of the spirit should not be a struggle; every believer can do it. The problem is that you are too busy. The Lord will say, “come here apart for a while and stay with me.” If you don’t know how to function in the spirit, you will refuse.

Many believers have lost money because they did not pray about where they invested funds. God cannot mislead you. When you don’t have clarity about a thing, spend some more time before the Lord. Don’t rush out because the mistake you would make by rushing will be too costly. If you will spend time to inquire from the Lord, then even the time you think you have wasted, you’ll make it up with instant manifestations. That was how Jesus functioned.

If you look at the life of Jesus, he moved from a place of fellowship with the Father to the point of miracles, to another place of fellowship. He was always connected. This is not only for pastors, it also applies to you as a member of a church; it applies to every believer. When you’re running out of time, do you know that the Holy Spirit can actually tell you where to read and study for your exams?

Many of you are too busy; even the little morning devotion you used to do, you now skip it. You have no morning devotion, no place of fellowship with God but you want to walk in the spirit. You know what they said about Jesus in Mark 1:22? They said, “we have been hearing scribes and Pharisees speak, but we have never seen a man speak like you.” When you spend quality time with Jesus and you open your mouth, it is like thunder. Your testimony will be like that of Jesus. “What manner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey him!” (Matthew 8:27 KJV).

Further Reading: Mark 6:7-13
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Jeremiah 9-11; Evening- 1 Timothy 6

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