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Dr. Mike Okonkwo12 January 2020″As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, he saith unto the ruler of the synagogue, Be not afraid, only believe”. Mark 5:36 KJVJesus Christ was on his way to the house of Jairus who came to call upon Him to come and lay hands upon his daughter. Jairus was a religious ruler but his religion failed him. He needed the truth! Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Jairus was religious but his religion could not help him any longer. Religion has a limit. He needed a healer and Jesus said I will come and heal him. And that is what He came to do. “How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.”(Acts 10:38 KJV).However, the woman with the issue of blood took her miracle and that caused some delay. The woman broke all known protocols to get her miracle. Beloved, how badly do you want that miracle? If you want it and you are willing to go for it, nothing can stop you. So back to our text, people came and said to Jairus: ‘It is too late; your daughter is dead! For this ruler of the synagogue, the situation seemed hopeless. But when Jesus heard it, he said to him: “Be not afraid, only believe! Another translation says: “Fear not!Beloved, did doctors give you a negative report? Fear not! Is your job threatened? Fear not! Is your marriage shaking? Fear not! Are you having a delay in marriage? Fear not! God will come through for you. Is your child becoming a problem for you? Fear not!No matter what it is, no matter how hopeless, fear not, only believe. God is saying in essence: “Leave it to me, I will handle it”. Learn to leave your troubles in the hands of God. His hands are big enough to handle them.There are 365 ‘fear not’s in the bible. One for every day because there is always something to fear. When fear comes, remember: Fear Not!!!Further Reading: Psalm 91:1-16, Mark 5:35-43
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Gen. 29, 30 / Evening- Matt: 9:1-17

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