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By Bishop Mike Okonkwo

Thursday 16th February 2023

“Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.” Ephesians 6:1 (KJV)

One of the things parents must get clear are family values. Don’t raise children with scattered values. Have a set of values that are non-negotiables. Values that everyone in the family knows and lives by. Do not live them to chance.

The fact that God could trust you enough to put these children in your care is a responsibility that you must not fail in. Every child comes like a plain board, the parents and everyone around them hold the pen with which they write on the board. However, the parents are privileged to be the first teachers whose writing can end up being indelible in the lives of these children, so you must be careful what you write.

Stop and think: what are your family values? Do you know it? If you don’t then what will you pass on to the children that God has brought or is bringing your way? You must have values that everyone in your house lives by. The first must be the fear of God. If you do not bequeath any other thing to your children, bequeath a strong relationship with God to them. Let them know God for themselves. Let God not be a “grandfather” to them, by “grandfather” you know what I mean. A situation where God is simply the God of their parents; they have no personal relationship with Him. Such children stop going to church the moment they are out of the house. Their bible is nothing but another book in the shelf that they never read and then the parents turn around and cry, I don’t know why my child is not serving God. Question: Did you introduce the children to God when they were growing up? If you did not, what magic are you expecting?

Teach them integrity. Let them be men and women of integrity. Let them know that their yea must be yea, and their nay, nay. Remember, you have to teach them by example, so live a life of integrity before them and when they grow you will be proud of them.

Have clearly spelled out family values, write them down, and stick them in a prominent place. Let them know it and let them see you live it and they will follow you.

Further Reading: Ephesians 6:1-4
Daily Bible Reading: Morning – Leviticus 19-20, Evening – Matthew 27:51-66

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