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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

26 July, 2021

’And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:’’ Genesis 12: 2. KJV

Today, I want to encourage you not to have a dead sea mentality. What is a dead sea mentality? It’s the mentality of only wanting to receive and unwilling to release. When you have such, you cannot be a channel for the goodness of God to pass through. But God blesses you so that you can extend to others.

In Israel, there are two seas that are very popular and one river: The Dead Sea, the Sea of Galilee and River Jordan. Both the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea are fed by River Jordan. Interestingly, the Sea of Galilee teems with life, but you will never see any life in the Dead Sea. There is so much salt in the Dead Sea such that no life can exist there. This is because the Dead Sea does not flow out! It just receives. On the other hand, the Sea of Galilee is bubbling with life. Fishes and all kinds of aquatic animals are inside the Sea of Galilee because it is flowing. Hence, it is always fresh. Water flows in and out.

There are blessings you will never contact until you become a channel of blessing. Rebecca did not only to give water to a total stranger, she also went the extra mile to draw water for his camels to drink. And that was it! She got married to Isaac. She wouldn’t have contacted that blessing if she refused to be a channel of blessing.

Let us be nice to one another. Husbands be nice to your wives, and vice versa. Do not be nasty to one another. Watch the things you say to one another. Say kind words. Be a channel of blessing. Christianity is not religion. It is the life of God flowing through you. Let us show the world what it means to be a Christian.

Further Reading. Genesis 24: 10-67
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Psalms 40-42; Evening- Acts 27:1-26

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