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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

22 April, 2021

“And we know (understand, recognize, are conscious of, by observation and by experience) and believe (adhere to and put faith in and rely on) the love God cherishes for us. God is love, and he who dwells and continues in love dwells and continues in God, and God dwells and continues in him.” 1 John 4:16 AMP

I believe that in order for us to truly enjoy the Grace of God, we must truly know and believe in the finished work of Jesus. When you truly believe what His death, burial and resurrection has accomplished on your behalf, then you will be able to take your stand and exercise your God-given authority here on earth. For far too long, many believers have wrongly assumed “knowing” to simply mean giving mental assent; also that believing is passive in nature or that it means acute inactivity where you just wait for things to fall on you like a bag of cherries – but the Word of God is much more than that.

To know and believe means to take positive action or give a positive response in the light of that which you are said to know and believe in. This revelation will cause you to stand (take action) in the liberty Jesus gave to you.

For instance, if you are believing God for healing, 1 Peter 2:24 tells us “Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree that we being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed” (KJV). You must understand that your healing is already done! You must, therefore, walk in the consciousness of this truth. You must adhere to it against all odds, against the pain, aches and against the doctor’s report. Therefore, even with the pain, you must keep speaking the truth that you are walking in, which is: “I am healed.” This is what it means for you to know and believe. Belief is not passive! Certainly not! I boldly declare His promises over your life in faith and expect the result and it shall come to pass.

Further Reading: James 2:17-26
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- 2 Samuel 14-15; Evening- Luke 17:1-19

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