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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

20 May, 2021

“Thou art snared with the words of thy mouth, thou art taken with the words of thy mouth.” Proverbs 6:2 KJV

Even though your victory as a child of God is already assured, do you know that you can abort your miracle through negative confession? Often, we give in to pressure and exchange the symptom for the real thing. Yes, you have prayed and God has assured you of your healing, but the symptom is still there. Understand that the devil actually intensifies the symptom to make you confess negatively and of course, whatever you confess you receive. So, when he pushes you to the wall and applies pressure, rather than confess negatively, choose to praise the Lord. No wonder God commanded us to give thanks in all things. You may not know-how, you may not know when, but be rest assured that He will do it again.

Rather than say the wrong thing, search the scriptures for a word that promises you what you are asking God for. Meditate on the word and begin to thank Him for the manifestation even though you have not seen it yet. Keep confessing what you believe and pretty soon, your confession will line up with what you believe and you will take delivery of your miracle. Confessing what you want to see simply means you are assured in your heart that your expectations shall not be cut short. When you agree with what God has said about you, you are simply demonstrating your faith. Mary said in Luke 1:38: ‘’be it unto me according to your word.’’ In other words, she put the responsibility of seeing the prophecy come to pass squarely on God.

In addition, don’t join the company of those who just say the wrong things out of frustration. When people around you are complaining about the bad economy, choose rather say that your economy is at its best. Remember that when men shall say there is a casting down, you shall say there is a lifting up.

Today, as you begin to confess your expectation, I declare that you will not be denied.

Further Reading: Proverbs 18:21
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- 1 Chronicles 10-12; Evening- John 6:45-71

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