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By Bishop Mike Okonkwo

Monday 13th June 2022

“And being let go, they went to their own company, and reported all that the chief priests and elders had said unto them”. Acts 5:23 (KJV)

There are many people expressing that you don’t need the church in order to fellowship with God. They believe that they can fellowship through the television or via the social media. They will tell you, that is where my church is. But that’s a lie. There is need for you to belong to a local family church unit. As good as technology is, it still does not take the place of connecting physically with your local church family. This is very important and strategic. Do not allow the devil to take advantage of your understanding of this.
The increase witnessed in the early church came as a result of them meeting together. And there was a corporate anointing amongst them. God began to do something powerful in their hearts and they began to walk in love. Everyone was concerned about the other’s need. That is how God wants it to be. It is not a solo affair.

When they were threatened not to teach in the name of Jesus and later let off, they went to their own company and reported all that the chief priests and elders had said to them. And when they heard their report, they lifted their voice in unity. And when they had prayed, the place where they had assembled shook and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they began to declare the word of God with boldness.
Do not stand alone. When you stand alone you die alone. When you follow Christ, it is not just enough to say I believe but it also involves belonging.

It is an error to say, I don’t need church. I will stay on my own and serve God my own way. No, beloved! You need to belong as a member of the local expression of the universal church, so you can be fed with spiritual food, loved, cared for and encouraged.

Further reading: Acts 2: 42-47, Acts 4:13-31
Daily Bible Reading: Morning – Ezra 6-8, Evening – John 21

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