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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

18 January, 2021

“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Galatians 6:9 KJV

One of the things you must tell yourself this year is that you will not be weary in well doing. For God to bring this scripture at this time, it is because there will be opportunities to get weary. Life is never a straight line. There will be times when you are up and excited and everything is working out for your good as you envisaged it, but there will also be times when things don’t seem to fall in line. There’ll be times when the storm rages and the journey to the other side of the lake appears impossible. When you get to this crossroad, remember that it is not unique to you. God has gone through it before.

Remember when Jesus told the disciples to go over to the other side and the wind came against them? Take time to read that scripture again in Luke Chapter 8; you will discover that Jesus was never agitated. Why? It is simply because He knew what God had said. Don’t stop doing good even when the wind goes contrary in this year. Don’t stop giving your tithes because of a temporary setback. Don’t stop reaching out to the needy because the wind is suddenly boisterous. Rather, tell yourself, the Lord who gave the vision will give the provision and keep going. Don’t let the devil slow you down.

For the Bible to admonish you not to faint is proof that there will be opportunities to faint; but before those opportunities come, hear what the Lord is saying to you: DO NOT BE WEARY. The storm will rage, but as long as you stay focused, the water cannot enter into your boat and as long as you can keep the water from entering the boat of your life, the challenges cannot sink you; they will be nothing but water rolling off the back of a duck.

I challenge you today, stay focused and never get weary.

Further Reading: Galatians 6:9-10, Luke 8:22-25
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Gen. 43,45/ Evening- Matthew 12:24-50

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