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Dr. Mike Okonkwo
01 May, 2021

“Hard work always pays off; mere talk puts no bread on the table.” Proverbs 14:23 MSG

There are two categories of people: the talkers and the doers. It has been rightly said that talk is cheap. Many people are arm-chair critics- they stand on one spot and criticize practically everything around them, yet they are not ready or willing to lift a finger. Such should not be said of the believer. We are called to shine as light and the only way we can shine is to be men and women of action.

Today, as we celebrate Workers Day or Labour Day, I want to implore you to be proud of whatever form of labour you are involved in. Whatever your hands find to do, please do it with all your might. Be that person that works in excellence who leaves enviable footprints on the sands of time. Be an exemplary believer wherever you find yourself.

I know that the world is engulfed in fierce competition to make Money, but you should not get involved in that because you are a child of God. You should not be found in anything that will bring shame or disgrace to the Kingdom. Wherever you are, no matter your position, you are God’s ambassador. Therefore, the light of the gospel must shine through you. God has promised to bless the work of your hands and His Word is good enough. So, be rest assured that you do not have to cut corners to pay your bills. God is able to open your eyes to genuine business opportunities and as you roll up your sleeves to work, favour will rest upon you and grace will make the work easy for you.

Don’t be that person that tells everyone the right thing to do but never does it; be a doer. If you are a leader, lead by example. Today, I encourage you to give your best wherever you find yourself. It might not be the kind of job you are praying for, but give it your best. Very soon, greater doors will open for you in Jesus’ name.

Further Reading: Proverbs 14:20-26
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- 1 Kings 10-11; Evening- Luke 21:20-38

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