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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

12 April, 2021

“But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried out, saying, “Lord, save me!” Matthew 14:30 NKJV

Peter was able to do the impossible because he was focused on the Master. However, the moment Peter took his eyes off Jesus and saw the boisterous wind- the difficulties and the oppositions, he became afraid and began to sink. Fear set in, and he started to drown underneath something he had already overcome. But Jesus reached out and saved him. Defeat comes when you look down! Distractions come when you look around and disappointment comes when you look back but victory comes when you look up.

Child of God, keep your eyes on Jesus. In this day and age, if you don’t have Jesus, you are finished. The scriptures say: “looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith” (Hebrews 12:2 KJV). Do you know why He is the author? It is because Jesus is the Word and faith comes from the Word of God. So He is the reason why you have faith in the first place. It was at His command that Peter was able to walk on water. But in order for the faith to produce results, your eyes must be fixed on Him. Challenges and oppositions will surely come but when you are focused on victory Himself, then you are sure that your victory is guaranteed because Jehovah has spoken.

Beloved, the only way we can fix our eyes on Jesus is to stay in the Word. Make the Word of God your priority! Attend weekdays services, Sunday services and every other church program so that you can grow in the knowledge of God’s Word. As you do, grace and peace will be multiplied unto you.

I declare that as you step into the uncharted waters of life, the favor of God will attend your ways. Heaven will open for you. Covenant shall continually speak on your behalf. You will not see shame and you will not be embarrassed.

Further Reading: Psalm 121:1-8; Matthew 14:22-33
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- 1 Samuel 19-21; Evening- Luke 11:29-54

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