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Daily Confession



I am like a green olive tree in the house of God. I trust in the mercy of God forever and ever.
I thank God for the reality of His word, the reality of my righteousness, the reality that I am a new creation, the reality of the indwelling Holy Spirit, the reality of my redemption, the reality of God’s kind of faith in me, and the reality of the authority in the name that is above every other name, the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God.
The name of the Lord is a strong tower. I run into it and I am safe. I have been delivered from the evils of this present world for that is the will of God.
The Lord has given me the tongue of the learned that I should know how to speak the word in season. The Lord will help me; therefore I shall not be confounded. I have set my face like a flint and I know that I shall not be ashamed.Every day and in every way I am getting better: spiritually, physically, financially, mentally, morally, and in all my endeavours.
I am called for a purpose. I will fulfil this purpose and I will arrive at God’s ordained destiny for my life. Nothing will cut me short. I will make a formidable impact in my world for the Kingdom.
Therefore I declare boldly, that as I go about my assignments this week, favour will attend my way, I attract favour everywhere I go.
It is my week of abundance and goodness
It is My week Total transformation
My week of increase and overflow
My of uncommon visitation
My week of restoration and release
My week New things and fruitfulness
My week of settlement
My week of all Grace
My week of Greater Glory
My week of Celebration
My week of all sufficiency
My week of New things
My Week of Commanded Blessing

Evil shall bow before me, the wicked shall bow at my gate.
Everywhere I go this week I carry the goodness of God because there is Power in the Word of God.

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