By Bishop Mike Okonkwo
Sunday 9th March 2025
“And David said, Is there yet any that is left of the house of Saul, that I MAY shew him kindness for Jonathan’s sake?” (2 Samuel 9:1 KJV)
When David became the king of Israel, the first thing he did was to ask if there was still anybody left in the household of Saul that he MAY show him kindness for Jonathan’s sake. This was not because the person did anything to deserve it, but because of the covenant David had with Jonathan. Mephibosheth was not there when Jonathan had a covenant with David, but the covenant extended to him.
God is a covenant keeper. He will always keep the covenant whether you are there or not. Mephibosheth was lame in the feet. In other words, he had some struggles in his life. But David sent men to bring him from a place called Lodebar. Lodebar is a place of no pasture. A place of negation or a place of no communication. Mephibosheth must have felt that his life was over. He must have felt like no one loved him, and that King David was after him to kill him. This is the way some people are running from God even after they have become believers. They run because of the mistakes they have made.
Beloved, you do not need to run away when you have made mistakes. That is the time to run to God. The Bible says we should come boldly to the throne of grace and obtain mercy so that we MAY find grace to help in time of need. Do not shrink from the throne. Do not run from church simply because you blew it, rather, run into the arms of the Father.
Mephibosheth was brought to the palace from Lodebar. He was afraid when they brought him before David and went on the floor as soon as he appeared before him. David began to tell him, I made a covenant with your father and for that reason, I refuse to allow you to stay in Lodebar. From this moment forward, you will be sitting to eat at my table. This was the same man who thought he had done something wrong and was not qualified. Covenant spoke for him.
Further Reading: 2 Samuel 9:1-13, Romans 5:20-21
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Deuteronomy 4-6; Evening- Mark 11:1-18