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By Bishop Mike Okonkwo

Saturday 10th December 2022

“Like a deer drinking from a stream, I reach out to you, my God.” Psalm 42:1 (ERV)

When you are aligned to God, all the desires of your heart will naturally come to you without any form of struggle. People are struggling and running from one end to the other, and sweating and unable to actualize what God has purposed because of lack of alignment. The problem is that when you don’t get it, you bailout from the source. It is just like marriage. When you marry for the wrong reason if you are married because your spouse is slim, pretty, or educated, if she loses those things, what happens? There is nothing wrong with marrying a pretty, educated, successful lady but it should not be the primary reason for the marriage. Things change over time. The beauty fades and the slim shape disappears. Sometimes, even the success which attracted you may be lost. That is why there must be deep intimacy to sustain the relationship.

That is the same way a lot of people are relating with God, relating with God based on his provision not based on who He is. We need to start following God based on who He is and not what we can get from Him. If not for God, where would we be? If not for God, have you wondered if you would have woken up this morning? Do you think that it is by your strength or your power that you went to the bathroom this morning? It is not by him that willeth or runneth, but of God that showeth mercy (Romans 9:16). So, it is the desire of God that His children are aligned to Him and love Him for who he is not for what He can give.

Intimacy means close, commitment, affectionate or loving relationships with another person. A close association with a detailed knowledge or a deep understanding of a person. We are talking about affection, close relationship, confidentiality, someone you can easily jump on his lap and share your heart without fear of being intimidated, accused, or ashamed. We are talking about confidentiality and friendship with God. This should be the quest of every believer.

Further Reading: Psalm 42:1-5; Philippians 3:10
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Hosea 1-4; Evening- Revelation 1

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