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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

16 August, 2021

“Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think anything as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God;” 2 Corinthians 3:5 KJV

In reality, we often find out that on our own, we can never do enough to deserve the love of God. I want you to think of the love of God as something that you can never earn. When you sit down to think about your life, all the mistakes that you made in the past, the disappointments, and how you have failed God so many times, you will realize that only the love of God can justify you.

Every believer who has received Christ has been sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise unto the day of redemption but the problem is in your mind. If you don’t win the battle of your mind, you can be saved and still be in chains. The devil will want to place guilt on you and condemn you. He will tell you good things can happen to others, but can never happen to you. He tells you that you’re not praying or fasting enough; you’re not committed enough. But I have come to tell you that if it is going to be enough based on your attitude and action, then it will never be enough. But Christ has done it all for you. He is our sufficiency!

If God does not make you sufficient, you cannot be sufficient on your own. You must learn to silence every voice of accusation from the pit of hell. I guarantee you that the devil will accuse you in your mind even though God dwells in you. The devil comes to your mind and creates a fault pattern in your life. Don’t fall for his tricks!

Christ is the only answer to the devil’s accusation. Why do I have to do enough when Christ has done it all for me? You can live with that comfort in spite of all your mistakes. This is why you can make Christ the centre of all your thoughts and begin to overcome all the fault patterns and errors of your life.

Further Reading: Isaiah 26:1-4, 2 Corinthians 2:1-10.
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Psalms 94-96; Evening- Romans 15:14-33

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