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By Bishop Mike Okonkwo

Saturday 19th February 2022

“Children, obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord.” Colossians 3:20 (KJV)

While looking at the family and with love in the air, the children are not left out. One of the reasons why parents must ensure the home is filled with love is to bring up children that will build the society. If the home is not conducive and the children have been emotionally damaged, how do you want them to build a healthy society? The home is the cradle of the world. A healthy home will birth a healthy nation, it all starts from the home.

Training up the children starts from the womb. A home filled with love will bring forth a joyful child. The foundation you lay in the home is important. Don’t demand obedience if you are not teaching them from the place of love. Correct in love. Take time to explain things to them. This generation is a “questioning” generation. Don’t see the questions as rebellion. They just want to understand. If you say “sit down” the next question is why? Don’t get upset, explain it to them. Be patient to teach them and as you do, they will grow with understanding and will be able to defend their actions when they go into the world.

Verse 21 of Colossians 3 is very instructive, let us look at it in the Passion Translation: And fathers, don’t have unrealistic expectations for your children or else they may become discouraged. Did you see that? Children must be children, allow them to grow. Guide them, counsel them, correct them in love but don’t expect unrealistic expectations from them so that they don’t get discouraged. Don’t compare your children with other children, you don’t know the full story. The fact that a child sits quietly for one hour does not mean that is how that child is at home. So don’t give your children a complex by comparing them. Let them be the best version of themselves. Love them enough to believe in them and show them enough love for them to trust you. Be their friend and see them become all that God has ordained them to be.

Further Reading: Colossians 3:18-25
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Leviticus 25; Evening- Mark 1:23-45

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