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14 March, 2021

‘’Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.’’ Proverbs. 31:10 KJV

Today, I celebrate every married woman in the house. Thank you for your input in the lives of the men and children that God has committed into your hands. Let us look at our scripture for today in the New International Version: “A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.” What makes the woman virtuous is not in looks or money but in character. Character is the defining factor and character is developed. The Message translation says: “A good woman is hard to find and worth far more than diamonds.” The issue is not about being a woman, but it is being a good woman which is a matter of choice. It is not about how you were born; it is a function of whom you choose to become.

As we celebrate mothers today, no matter the level you are, look at the impact you have made over the years in the lives of those around you; are you satisfied with it? If yes, I truly celebrate you but if not, then here is another opportunity to adjust. Mother’s Day is a day to celebrate mothers and a day for mothers to reflect on the influence they have over the people the Lord has brought their way.

Mothers are instruments in the hands of God to mould children, thereby building the leaders of tomorrow. Once we get leadership right, the nation will be right. What an awesome responsibility on the shoulder of mothers and indeed fathers too. As I admonish mothers today, this also applies to everyone, irrespective of your current position. Decide to be the person of godly character that will shine as the light in the dark world. Let your light so shine wherever you find yourself that men may see it and give glory to your Father in heaven. Today, with increased darkness is the opportunity to shine brighter and be the magnet that will draw souls to the Kingdom. Be the light.

Further Reading: Prov. 31:10-31
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Deuteronomy 19-21; Evening- Mark 13:21-37

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