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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

06 December, 2021

“Bless the LORD, O my soul! O LORD my God, you are very great!” Psalm 104:1 KJV

Yesterday, I challenged you to think because if you can think, you can thank. When you decide to count the numerous things God has done for you at different times, you will realise that He is indeed so good. But today, I have come to challenge you to a higher level of praise: Praise God for who He is.

Can you just praise God today for who He is? Think about His attributes. Think about His greatness. Look at the intricacies of your body system; see how He put man together, with every part working together seamlessly. Take time to examine His creation– the works of His hands. Look at the plants and animals; look at how He made them without seeking the counsel of man.

Yes, it is okay to praise God for the many benefits, but it is more awesome to praise God for who He is. When you acknowledge who God is, you do two main things:

1. You take your mind off the current situations and challenges.

2. You focus on God. When you focus on God, all the things you have been struggling with become inconsequential. The size of the problem diminishes.

Psalm 104 is one of those scriptures that examines the awesomeness and power of God. Don’t run through it, think through each verse then you can appreciate how big your God is and how small your challenges are. Yes, I know that the year is ended and some things are still pending; still, praise God. I know all the dreams you had for 2021 have not all been actualized, but stop and put on your imagination: Look at the bigness of your God. See Him in His majesty and then let His high praises be in your mouth. Praise Him like you never did before. Sing to Him in any language, He is your audience. Dance before Him. Jump in His presence, Acknowledge Him for who He is and praise will come forth from your lips with incredible acclamation.

Further Reading: Psalm 104: 1-30
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Daniel 3-4; Evening- 1 John 5

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