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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

Saturday 14 November 2019

“And when he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my father’s have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger!” Luke 15:17. KJV

At one point or the other, you must have said within yourself, ‘Lord, what can I do? How do I handle these things? Show me which way I should go. How am I going to come out of this situation?’ What happens when you do this is that through the power of the Holy Spirit, God would begin to show you things and give you clarity. Anyone who engages in meditation must always have notes and writing materials to pen things down at all times. If you are truly a thinker; even while you are sleeping, you should have a notebook around you. At times, ideas can just come, that can make you a celebrity overnight and if you do not put them down, you may forget them.

In Luke chapter 15, the prodigal son went into a far country, taking part of the goods that belonged to him and wasted it in riotous living. And the Bible says, he was reduced to the ‘lowest common denominator’, staying amongst pigs until he came to himself. That was meditation! He began to think! ‘Who drove me from home to start with? My father did not drive me out. I am the one who walked away. My father still loves me. Even if I have wasted my living, that does not mean he doesn’t love me any longer. I will go back home.’ Instantly, he received deliverance.

When he sat down to think, he was delivered from shame. He went from disgrace to dignity. To encounter definite progress, you would need to sit back to think about where you are. What is it that is stopping your progress? What are you not doing right? What adjustment do you need to make? How do you apply yourself in the present-day society? ‘Lord, how am I going to do it? You called me! You want me to succeed. You did not make me a failure.’ Doing this gets you delivered and positions you to walk in victory.

Further Reading: Luke 15:11-20
Daily Bible Reading: Morning – Joel 1-3, Evening – Revelation 5

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