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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

24 December, 2020

“For we are made partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast unto the end.’’ Hebrews 3:14 (KJV)

Today I want to encourage you to be relentless. In the book of Luke chapter 18, there was a widow who entreated a wicked judge to avenge her of her adversary. Even though the judge did not fear God nor regarded any man, yet he avenged her for her continual coming. She persisted relentlessly and refused to take “No” for an answer. Beloved, don’t run away from battle and don’t ever give up. Be relentless! There is so much you will achieve if you keep at it without giving up.

Our text tells us to hold on steadfast unto the end. Beloved, I challenge you to keep moving irrespective of your challenges. Yes, the year is drawing to a close, but don’t give up. When you are faced with a mountain and you are determined to go on irrespective of obstacles, supernaturally the mountain will either give way or you would receive strength to climb over the mountain, or wisdom to go under it, or bore a hole through it. One thing is sure; you will get to the other side. When there is a will, there is always a way. That is how it works! Stay at it and be relentless; pretty soon you will see God come through for you.

As the year runs to a close, focus your eyes to see the change you have always desired to take place in your life. See the doors of favour opening for you. Open your eyes and see endless possibilities. You may not know how it will happen, your assignment is to see it and believe what God has said and pretty soon you will see the manifestation. I encourage you to take off the limits from your life. Don’t cancel yourself out! Refuse to give up and you will certainly testify in Jesus name. God will honour your faith! The desires of your heart will be granted. Your ground will yield her increase and you will eat of the good of the land. For your shame my God will give you double. Compliments of the season.

Further Reading: Luke 18:1-8
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Habakkuk; Evening- Revelation 15

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