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Dr. Mike Okonkwo

22 January, 2021

“Every man shall kiss his lips that giveth a right answer” Proverbs 24:26 KJV

It is no longer news that we live in a world of ideas. As the popular saying goes: “Ideas rule the world.” That statement is true because whatever invention or product you see working today is nothing but the brainchild of somebody.

Beloved, if there is any time we need to truly take over, it is now! Today, we live in a world that is looking for answers. The technocrats have failed. The economic predictions have fallen to the ground and many are in utter confusion, seeking for answers. This is the best time for the believer. The world is getting darker and darker; thus, this is the opportunity for the believer to shine brighter and brighter.

“Every man shall kiss his lips that giveth a right answer.” It is not limited to a group of people, but ‘every man.’ People don’t need to like your face first. You don’t need to belong to their group. You don’t need a godfather, godmother or spokesman. But if you have the answer, they will kiss your lips. This generation is waiting for you. That next breakthrough waiting on the wings may just be predicated on that idea which God has given you. The solution to the multifaceted challenges of today’s world can only come through you if you would just engage your mind.

It is my prayer that as you wait on Him, He will give you the knowledge of witty inventions; He will give you a mouth with wisdom that the enemy cannot gainsay or resist. He will open up the country land unto you. Men and women of great reputation will be drawn to you. His plan and purpose for your life will be achieved. You will not be denied. He will announce you and your world will hear and celebrate you. Every door against your promotion is opened today. Every obstacle on the way is broken. Every challenge is rolled away. Your best and brightest days are here! Get ready to celebrate. Your lifting has started!

Further Reading: Isaiah 60:1-3; Luke 21:15.
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Exodus 4-6/ Evening- Matthew 14:22-36

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