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Bishop Mike Okonkwo

11 January, 2021

“And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing.” Genesis 12:2 KJV

Child of God, Jesus did not die for us as a Church just to enjoy surviving. If the reason Jesus died is just for us to have mere possessions, then we have failed. God has bigger plans for you. His intention is not just to bless you but for you to be a blessing. When are you going to sign your first million and drop it in the offering plate for the advancement of God’s kingdom? Do you think it is not happening? You better believe it. It’s high time you arose and got into the big league. That is where God wants you to be. He wants you to be above and not beneath. He wants you to lend to nations and to be a blessing to mankind.

The revelations you receive in the church are enough to launch you into playing in the big-league dimension in this nation. We must stop playing children’s games. Some people are still turning on their beds because it rains. Probably because you can afford some expensive things, you think you have arrived. That’s a shame! You have not arrived! You have actually made nothing, and I am really concerned.

If you value the cost of Solomon’s temple in today’s currency, it is about 205 billion US dollars. Your God is not ‘El-cheap’ but El-Shaddai. Let us stop reducing God to a cheap God. Lift up your vision and stop playing children’s games. If God can do it for one, He can do it for another. Our God is not a partial God. One of the factors working against us as believers is that we are not empowering others. God has lifted you so that you can lift others. If you are the only one lifted and others have to rely on you, after a while you will break because God does not intend that it should be one man. It has to be spread.

Further reading: Genesis 12:1-3, Isaiah 42:1, 6-7
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Gen 27, 28 / Evening- Matt: 9:18-34

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