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Bishop Mike Okonkwo
04 January, 2021

“Therefore let no man glory in men. For all things are yours;” 1 Corinthians 3:21 KJV

One of the things you need to be confident about is that God is on your side to bless you; it’s not that He will bless you, but He has already blessed you with every blessing you will ever need. All you need to do is to activate the blessing in your life. As this year progresses, I challenge you not to put confidence in any man or even your own ability. Fix your eyes on God who loves you with an everlasting love and who has made all things available to you.

Our scripture today in the Message translation says: “I don’t want to hear any of you bragging about yourself or anyone else. Everything is already yours.” Did you see that? God is not planning to give it to you; He has already given it to you. When He declared this year your year of “Exceeding Abundance,” He had a clear view of the entire year. He knows about the fluctuation in oil price. He knows about global warming, the increased rate of inflation and unemployment; yet, He declared it your year of “Exceeding Abundance.”

What does He expect of you? First, receive the word without any form of doubt. Take the word hook, line, sinker, fisherman, boat, water and even everything under the water. Don’t ever doubt God’s Word. Even when the wind appears contrary, declare to yourself that it is your year of “Exceeding Abundantly.” Write it on your wall, put it on your mirror and paste it all around your house. Declare it to yourself over and over again because faith comes by hearing. The more you hear it, the more real it becomes and the more it manifests in your life. Eyes have not seen, and ears have not heard what God has in store for you as you follow Him throughout the year.

Don’t declare the word only for one day or one week, make it your daily confession and it will come to pass. I am eagerly waiting for your testimony.

Further Reading: 1 Corinthians 3:16-21
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Gen. 10-11 / Evening- Matt.4

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