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By Bishop Mike Okonkwo

Saturday 7th January 2023

“And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her.” Luke 1:38 (KJV)

David was a man who dared to believe what God says about him. People tried to talk David out of going against Goliath and he said, “Is there not a cause”? Is there no reason to stand for God? Is there no reason to stand by what the covenant says about us? David left those who were trying to talk him out of confronting Goliath. You see, if you are to get into your divinely ordained destiny, naysayers and professional mourners must be cut out. He ignored them, ran toward Goliath, and brought him down. He had a revelation of his identity in the Lord.

In the book of Luke 1:26-38, an angel of the Lord came to a woman by the name, Mary. He told her she was going to give birth to a Son. This woman was not yet married. She was only engaged to be married. She said how is it going to happen? The angel said by the Holy Ghost. It did not make sense.

You see, many are trying to get what God spoke to them about to make sense. It usually does not make sense. What is special about Mary in this account? She had not seen the manifestation, but she was already magnifying God. There was no evidence but for her, it was a done deal. When the Bible calls you what you don’t yet look like, believe it, act like it and the manifestation will surely come.

Do you know that the bible calls you holy, righteous, healed, complete, perfect, prosperous, settled, beloved, blessed, delivered, and anointed? Know that as you continue to declare it and act like it, the manifestation will come. That’s how the economy of Heaven works. Many are waiting to look at it before they accept it. It does not work that way. You have to believe, then you will see.

Further reading. Luke 1:26-48, 1 Peter 2:9-10, 1 Samuel 17:12-29
Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Gen.18-19 / Evening- Matt. 6: 1-18

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